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Ban the Ban

This was my final assignment for my EDD 894 course, Critical Theories and Leadership, masterfully taught by Dr. Brandelyn Tosolt. We were able to pick what we wanted to do as our final assignment, or what she defined as our Praxis Project. I chose to write an Op Ed for the Cincinnati Enquirer (but I didn't actually submit it). I hope I'm able to pass on even just a portion of the life-changing learning that occurred in this class. Ban the Ban I am a catholic, suburban, white, cisgender, wife, and mother of four. I live in a city that is 98.97% white, and in a neighborhood that is 99.99% white. My children go to a private, catholic school that has demographics similar to those mentioned above. Meanwhile, we are situated 8.3 miles away from the city of Cincinnati, which is only 49.3% white, and only 18% catholic. My husband and mine’s Christian ancestors came from Europe as a choice, with a hope make a better life for themselves and future generations. We are products of that cho...

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